When your organization needs to create alignment or come to clear and difficult decisions, it helps to have expert facilitators guide the conversation.

Scott Smith, a partner at Smith & Connors, facilitating a discovery session using a white board and sticky notes

Lively and productive discussion

When everyone needs to start moving in the same direction.


We build custom exercises and discussions to ensure that everyone in the organization feels heard, understands how decisions will be made, and moves together toward alignment.

Focus Groups

We talk to groups of people to understand where they’re coming from, to test creative decisions, and build buy-in.

Staff Engagement

Often, departments aren’t truly communicating with each other. We put staff (and sometimes board members and other interested parties) at ease through an empathetic process.

Change Management

Branding and website redesigns often happen at the same time as other big changes in an organization. We become a seamless extension of your team to help bring empathy and passion to the processes of change already under way.


When you want to get answers from a large number of people, surveys can be the way to go. We design and deploy custom surveys that get you quantitative and qualitative results.


We’re great at speaking one-on-one with audience members and interested parties to understand deeply how they think and feel.

Screenshot of the heading of a Quantum Future article on the Berkeley Lab website.
Themed design for s.h.i.f.t. presentation report. Abstract, wavy and circular shapes in greens and purple.

A grid of speech bubbles linked together creating a dialogue. Some of the speech bubbles have scribbles, quotation marks, or happy and sad faces.
An illustration of three people having a conversation. Each person sits in their own unique chat bubble and has a varying expression, from happy to concerned.
A gif animation rotation through hearts with icons in the center.

Let us help bring clarity and alignment to your organization.